Mi primera tapa de un e-book.
My first e-book cover.
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I was comissioned by Francis Hamit to desig an e-book cover. It`s a short story about private detectives attempting to serve legal documents on a big shot who has been avoiding them.
The requirements for the illustration were that it had to be a nightscene, it featured a newstand with the characters, and it had to be in the style of the painter Edward Hopper.
Fui comisionada por el escritor norteamericano Francis Hamit para diseñar una tapa de una historia corta que iba a publicar en formato digital. La historia es sobre unos detectives privados que andan tras el rastro de una persona.
Los requisitos para la ilustración era que tenía que ser una escena nocturna de un local de venta de diarios y revistas, con los personajes y en el estilo del pintor Edward Hopper.
The approved sketch for the cover.
El bosquejo final y aprobado para la tapa.
The famous "Nighthawks" painting by Edward Hopper. I remembered this painting and in a way I wanted to incorporate it into the cover. I noticed the sidewalk across the street from the cafe, and decided it was the perfect place for the newstand. I drew the newstand in that same place but as I imagined it would look today.
La famosa pintura "Nighthawks" del pintor Edward Hopper. Me acorde de este cuadro y de alguna forma quería incorporarla a la pintura. Me fije en la vereda de enfrente del café y decidí colocar el quiosco en ese lugar pero como me imaginé que se vería en tiempos actuales.