sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Buying Retail - EBook Cover

You can find it at Amazon.com

I was contacted again by the writer Francis Hamit to design a cover for a short story in the series of stories featuring a character named Gordon Grant. The author describes this character as a former child actor, who had lost all his money. while trying to establish himself as an adult actor de has drifted into private detective work. He is described as a modern day knight gallant living an underground kind of life. Physically he is a heavy guy with red hair.

Nuevamente fui contactada por el escritor Francis Hamit para diseñar la tapa de una historia corta en la serie de historias sobre el personaje Gordon Grant. El autor describe este personaje como un tipo que había sido actor infantil, había perdido todo su dinero, y mientras trataba de desarrollar su carrera como un actor adulto trabajaba como detective privado. Lo describe como un caballero galante en tiempos modernos y fisicamente es un tipo grande con pelo rojizo.

Final approved sketch.
Bosquejo final aprobado.

The author especified that the illustration had to be of a couple of detectives doing surveillance work on a latin mercado during the night. The viewpoint was from the parking lot.
I sent him two sketches for the cover featuring different perspectives from the car.

Los requisitos para la tapa era que tenían que aparecer dos detectives dentro de un auto vigilando un mercadito latino. Nuevamente, la escena era nocturna.
le envie dos bosquejos para la tapa desde diferentes perspectivas dentro del auto.

Final cover illustration.

La ilustración final de la tapa.

Nighthawks - E-book Cover

Mi primera tapa de un e-book.

My first e-book cover.

Find it at Amazon.com

I was comissioned by Francis Hamit to desig an e-book cover. It`s a short story about private detectives attempting to serve legal documents on a big shot who has been avoiding them.
The requirements for the illustration were that it had to be a nightscene, it featured a newstand with the characters, and it had to be in the style of the painter Edward Hopper.

Fui comisionada por el escritor norteamericano Francis Hamit para diseñar una tapa de una historia corta que iba a publicar en formato digital. La historia es sobre unos detectives privados que andan tras el rastro de una persona.
Los requisitos para la ilustración era que tenía que ser una escena nocturna de un local de venta de diarios y revistas, con los personajes y en el estilo del pintor Edward Hopper.

The approved sketch for the cover.

El bosquejo final y aprobado para la tapa.

The famous "Nighthawks" painting by Edward Hopper. I remembered this painting and in a way I wanted to incorporate it into the cover. I noticed the sidewalk across the street from the cafe, and decided it was the perfect place for the newstand. I drew the newstand in that same place but as I imagined it would look today.

La famosa pintura "Nighthawks" del pintor Edward Hopper. Me acorde de este cuadro y de alguna forma quería incorporarla a la pintura. Me fije en la vereda de enfrente del café y decidí colocar el quiosco en ese lugar pero como me imaginé que se vería en tiempos actuales.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


Esta el la ilustración final después de colorearla digitalmente.
This is the final illustration of my drawing after I colored it digitally. I'ts going to be the cover art for my portfolio. I really like how it worked out.

Este pájaro lo dibuje inspirándome en el pinzón del grabado de Hokusai.
I drew this bird inspired by the bullfinch in Hokusai's print.

Este es uno de mis grabados favoritos de Hokusai, un artista japonés que vivió entre 1760 y 1849. El grabado se titula "Pinzón y flores de cerezo colgantes", Hokusai lo hizo al principio de los 1830's.
Me encanta la composición, el pájaro captado en un momento de descanso entre las flores que cuelgan como una cascada.
El poema a la derecha, en carácteres japoneses se lee como: "Un sólo pájaro sale/empapado en rocio: las flores del cerezo en la mañana."

This is one of my favorite prints by Hokusai, a famous japanese artist who lived between 1760 and 1849.
It´s titled "Bullfinch and drooping cherry blossoms", Hokusai made it in the early 1830's, and it's one of his masterpieces in this genre.
The poem on the right, in japanese characters, reads "A single bird comes out/drenched by dew: the morning cherry blooms."I love the composition, the bird captured in a moment of rest among the drooping blossoms which look like a waterfall.